Your home of accurate word of God routed prophecy, deliverence and Strong true bible based teachings
Join us every Thursday from 1 pm for prophecy service come to know the true source of your problems and what God is saying about your situation
Join us every Friday from 2 pm for Deliverence service
Come and join us every Saturday from 9 am for 1 on 1 counselling with man of God for both prophecy and deliverance
Sunday service
Our Sunday service begins at 8 Am every Sunday come and join
Save, invest in our church Sacco and improve on your status
Church location
Miraculous Synagogue Ministries is located in Soroti City Nakatunya lira Road inside Tedwills Guest House Gardens.

“Your Prophecy and deliverance waits for you at Miraculous synagogue ministries the final solution ground for that problem .” Come today and join
Emanu Georwell
Founder and Apostle
Miraculous synagogue ministries